Monday, December 30, 2019

Public Administration Concepts Free Essay Example, 3000 words

The researcher states that various concepts differentiate public sectors from private sectors. These are the very concepts that define the public sector, giving it its unique characteristics. While profit quality, efficiency, and effectiveness that characterize the private sector aim at profit maximization, the public sector lacks most of these qualities. The public sector, being an expansive sector covers various areas, offering services that most of the poor and the low-income earners in the cities rely on. Because of the nature of services provided by the public sector, the government creates monopolies, ensuring that it is the sole provider of these services to the people. The government, in an effort to protect investors from intensive capital projects with high risks, provides such important services and amenities to the people. Thus, it denies legislation of the private sector investors in providing services such as sewerage, water, electricity, transports and a variety of ot her services to the people. The public sector further restricts its operations to service provision, shy of production and products manufacturing. In some instances, however, the government provides essential goods that it believes that if the private sector was to provide to the people, it would culminate in exploitation and increased costs to the people. We will write a custom essay sample on Public Administration Concepts or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Some of the public institutions provide personalized services to the people while others provide impersonal services. Unlike in the private sector where personalized services cost more and thus are unaffordable to the larger population, public sector charges reasonable fees for such services, thus making them available to the people. The nature of the services required by the population determines the kind of institution that a government establishes in a specific area. However, there are services that the government provides to the people without considering the demand by the people. Security, water and electricity are necessities that the government has to put in place regardless of the demand from the population

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